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10 Questions About Cellular Phones Answered
  1. What's the difference between analog and digital phones?
  2. What is a Dual Band Phone?
  3. What type of battery has the longest life?
  4. What's the difference between the Stand-by time and Talk time?
  5. What is a roaming charge?
  6. What are peak and off peak hours?
  7. What are anytime minutes?
  8. Do I pay for the call when someone calls me?
  9. Should I buy a cell phone or look for a free cellular phone?
  10. What to do if you want to upgrade/downgrade or cancel your service plan?
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Financing Your Studies With An Online Vision

I don't know about you, but I would definitely appreciate being debt free when I finish my degree next year. I've looked all over for some credible way to get this accomplished and feel it might be helpful to share what I've found. There's some rather impressive success stories floating around cyberspace about all the money that's being made online. Some are filled with hype and flash and it's useful to be skeptical of those. But some stories - telling of legitimately making hundreds of dollars a day - within the first few months online - some of these are true.

Some determined entrepreneurs, starting from scratch, now bring in even a thousand dollars some days - and sometimes within their first few months. These are special cases, admittedly. But it is do-able. Even if you have no prior experience marketing online, but just your personal determination and vision, along with a clear sense that SOMEBODY is making that money (it might as well be you) then with a little willingness, you can begin working toward a piece of that same success yourself. With billions being spent online every year, and real online growth expected to continue expanding for at least the next five years, I'm convinced this is worth giving a careful look and consideration. First, as a grad student, give yourself some real credit: To have come this far with your studies is a powerful tribute to your perseverance and self discipline.

These are vital strengths which can serve very well as you begin creating and growing your own business online. Or in any venture life brings. All the decisions to keep on, to persist with your studies when you see so many fall away, having to move on; this shows a willingness to be true to your personal vision, to keep believing in a future worth working for, even amidst a culture that's changing and re-patterning itself almost daily all around.

That this determination still holds somehow even as you see the vision might need to be revised along the way, there's wisdom in knowing this, in giving yourself proper credit. Second, develop your personal vision, give it a full life and wings. Breathe your life's passion into this - so you can better nurture the dream. Take time with this. Write the vision down, in the most active terms you can. Keep it near to expand and revise as it grows.

Imagine moving into your chosen field free to re-locate when and where you prefer, participating fully in community and home life without nagging worries of unpaid debt, of not being able to afford all that you know you're worth. Shaping, massaging and cultivating your personal vision can be central in supporting any meaningful success in life. There's an old saying, "Where there is no vision, the people perish." A well tended, written vision can lead to your heart's desire.

Third, be willing to explore opportunities - outside the box - beyond the obvious. You can create your own personalized sense of what a new online business might look like, writing your own version of what the specific opportunity can mean for you, in terms of paying for school, covering regular bills, extra cash for weekends and travel, enjoying that special date on occasion, imagining even more to come. The specifics, well detailed, will draw you to them as they unfold more precisely in the future. Set your course directionally. Again, let me remind you, there are billions of dollars paid for products online every year, with many well known merchants depending on outside advertisers - that's potentially you and me - helping bring customers to their sites. Everything from dating services to computers to vacation packages, to credit card offers, cell phone services, on and on and on.

There are several major clearing houses where you can sign on for free, with thousands of merchants waiting for you and me to create new links to their products. The payoff can add up quickly - a couple hours daily of honest, disciplined work, with a fair measure of persistence - and within a few months you can begin seeing hundred dollar days yourself, provided you stick with it. It can happen even sooner if you really go at it.

Finally - realize, know, understand, believe, consider again - that you are absolutely worth making this extra effort, putting in the extra couple hours a day to create your own real business, nurturing your dreams, watching money flow into your accounts, first a trickle, then a stream, then a reliable source for paying your way to the life you want and deserve. But you have to keep your focus - that's why the personal vision is so important - make it as clear and flexible as you can. So, take a friendly pass on the chatfest down the hall, back off some on the YouTube sessions reviewing the latest hot videos, do the rain check thing with the next party at some friend's place back home - if these folks are true friends, then they have to want you to succeed, regardless. If not, why are you wasting your time? Maybe one day you'll be telling them how they too might build a successful website, creating their own satisfying piece of this e-pie.

Imagine your life a year from now, where might you be? Three years from now? Five years? If you had the means to accelerate your progress today, to evolve with confidence into your personal vision, might that be worth some serious consideration? Many of these businesses are in fact started and sustained with little more than a hundred dollars, wisely managed - a modest amount that can be repaid in the first couple months by carefully working the penny pinching strategies which are detailed for you online. Many decent people, with every imaginable vision, are giving this a second look. You can succeed here as well.

There's room online for all of us, as we each have something unique to offer. My personal vision has me graduating debt free, with a financial freedom ready for whatever life has to offer. How about you?.

Jess Freer is a grad student taking coursework in Spiritual Psychology. He's committed to each of us finding and cultivating our own creative voice and vision, whether as student, chef, writer, inventor or creative entrepreneur. Each has some unique gift and contribution to offer the world around them. http://mypieceofthe-e-pie.com

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